
Over 10 years of success made our company an established reality in the rail freight transport solution business.


Compagnia Ferroviaria Italiana has been an established reality in Italy since 2007. At first originated from a business idea developed by the current CEO, an accomplished specialist with wide knowledge in the field, and backed up by a team of professionals and experts in rail transport and logistics solutions.
Counting on a fleet of effective railway engines, as of today Compagnia Ferroviaria Italiana places itself among the most prominent and reliable ventures regarding freight transportation on rails.
With a structure of over 100 trains per week and a network widespread over the whole national territory, CFI guarantees its clients a top quality service, allowing the most prominent industrial districts, harbours and terminals to be efficiently connected.

Our fleet, consisting in 10 property railway engines, 7 chartered locomotives and 700 boxcars, allows a wide range of services to be carried out in the fastest and most efficient way.
Flexibility and a vigorous activity are CFI greater values.

After becoming prominent in the development of railway logistics in Italy, now CFI's ambition is to accurately align italian freight transportation with that of the other european countries.