Our Services

Targeted service and customer satisfaction: our core principles.


An extensive network that links strategic points of the country together allows us to achieve the objectives with maximum efficiency and effectiveness, guaranteeing the customer a fast and reliable service customized to his needs.
The two intermodal terminals located in the north and south of Italy offer competitive solutions along the country's longitudinal axis.
With customized solutions the point-to-point transport of goods is optimized whether is in conventional or intermodal mode.

Types of transported goods

  • Automotive
  • Ironworks and siderurgy
  • Chemical products
  • Dangerous goods


  • Full train transport
  • Intermodal transport
  • Railway maneuver
  • Crane maneuver
  • Road transport
  • Goods delivery
  • Door to door service

Depending on the degree of complexity of the logistic activity we offer different kinds of services:

  • Terminal to Terminal: goods are collected in an intermodal terminal for subsequent transport by train to a destination terminal. From here goods are shipped in small lots (loading units) to the final customer, by truck by default.
  • Door to door service: goods are picked-up from the shipping site identified by the Client and delivered to an agreed location also chosen by the Client. Every step of the logistic service and other intermediate passages are completely responsibility of the shipper. The Client therefore only takes care in receiving the goods at the location agreed and in the time set.
  • Interstability flows: the carried is intertwined within the Client's supply chain and and becomes a strategic segment of it. The semi-finished product coming from a production plant is then transferred directly to another plant identified by the Client, who proceeds to handle it and either ship it again for a new phase of processing or for final distribution.
    il vettore è incardinato all’interno della catena logistica del Cliente e ne diventa un segmento strategico. Il prodotto semilavorato, da uno stabilimento produttivo viene trasferito direttamente presso un altro stabilimento del Cliente che provvede a rilavorarlo e a spedirlo nuovamente per una nuova fase di lavorazione o per la distribuzione finale.